We were delighted to support The Cottage Family Centre with their amazing work. Please read about what they have been up to during lockdown:
“The Cottage Family Centre, a charity established in 1987, works in the Templehall and Gallatown areas of Kirkcaldy.
It provides support to vulnerable families who face issues such as poverty, unemployment, poor housing, relationship breakdown, drug and alcohol problems and ill-health.
The need was great for the services provided by the Cottage before the global pandemic hit, but during the lockdown period the support has become more critical than ever before. Simply put, many in the town are desperately in need of support to buy food for their families, many of whom have young children 5 and under.
Since April, the Cottage has delivered over 12,600 packed lunches to vulnerable children in the Kirkcaldy area and over 1586 food packages (which also include non- perishable items, cleaning products and toiletries) to support a family for a week.
In addition, the Cottage has also supplied baby items – nappies, baby food, clothing, wipes and buggies to families, supported families with utility bills and essential white goods and bought other essential household items including beds and mattresses for families who couldn’t afford it.
We have also been supplying a range of activity packs which include indoor and outdoor activities which have proved invaluable to families and have encouraged them to take their children out into the fresh air and play together.
The added financial pressures this situation has brought with it, coupled with greater emotional pressures, means we need to make sure the Cottage supports families in need after lockdown is phased out.”
Wow what a great cause – keep up the amazing work guys!