The Playpen Cafe CIC is a social enterprise that re-invests all profits into delivering services for the communities they work with and support. We recently supported their ongoing work
Read more about the fantastic work they do:
“The Playpen is a play cafe for children aged 0 to 7 and their parents & carers – a cafe and family event space integrated within a large playroom. We create a community hub where families come together and access a variety of mental health & wellbeing services. We remove the stigma of accessing this type of service, offering a softer gateway to getting support to the more traditional routes that can be less readily available. We believe that ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of caregivers is vital to the children in their care, making sure they grow up in a safe, happy and nurturing environment. We want to support children and families at grassroots level.
We create something new and unique in the community, a play space that encourages children’s social and cognitive development, offering a range of child-led choices of play experiences and imaginative free play. We have playworkers on site to offer caregivers a helping hand and to encourage socialisation among the kids, introducing new games and concepts into playtime.
Profits from our Kincardine venue will continue to fund our Pop-up Programme which takes our model into the wider community, popping-up in community halls in rural settings and areas of social deprivation where financial barriers to accessing services is an issue. We want to ensure all children can access what we do, removing the inequalities that can prevent this. Our free pop-ups help ensure this.”